December 7, 2009

Seminar on Preventive Education on Adolescent Substance Abuse (PDF download)

Seminar on Preventive Education on Adolescent Substance Abuse - Some Personal and Porfessional Reflections (2009-10-21)
co-organised by Hong Kong Society for Adolescent Health and Department of Paediatrics, Queen Elizabeth Hospitalcum 4th Annual General Meeting of HKSAH

Programme was successfully organized on 21 October 2009. The PDF of Prof. Daniel SHEK was attached.

[Dowload] PDF of Prof Daniel SHEK's PDF

October 19, 2009

Update CME particulars for October 21 Seminar cum 4th AGM

Seminar on Preventive Education on Adolescent Substance Abuse
 - Some Personal and Porfessional Reflections

co-organised by
Hong Kong Society for Adolescent Health and
Department of Paediatrics, Queen Elizabeth Hospital
4th Annual General Meeting of HKSAH

 Hong Kong College of Community Medicine  2 CME
 Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine  2 CME
 Family Physicians (Pending)
 Hong Kong College of Paediatricians  2 CME (Cat A)
 Psychiatrists 2 CME (list B)
 MCHK CME Programme  2 CME (Passive)
CPD:  1 point
CNE:  2 point

October 16, 2009

Seminar and 4th AGM amendments

Please note that one of our speakers, Prof. Greydanus, is not able to come to the seminar due to personal reason. The program is amended. Please refer to the amended poster attached.

Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Seminar on Preventive Education on Adolescent Substance Abuse
 - Some Personal and Professional Reflections

co-organised by
Hong Kong Society for Adolescent Health and
Department of Paediatrics, Queen Elizabeth Hospital
cum 4th Annual General Meeting of HKSAH

Professor Daniel TL Shek,
 Chair Professor, Department of Applied Social Sciences,
 Hong Kong Polytechnic University &
 Chairman, Action Committee Against Narcotics, Hong Kong SAR

Date: 21.10.2009 (Wednesday)
5:30 – 6:00 PM Light refreshment 
6:00 – 6:30 PM AGM of HKSAH 
6:30 – 8:30 PM Seminar

Venue: Lecture Theatre, Ground Floor,
 Block M, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 30 Gascoigne Road, Kowloon

Fee: Free for all

Enrollment: Members of HKSAH and HKCPaed are given priority.
 Others are welcome. Please register with fax or email.
 First come, first served.

Fax: 2958 6625
Phone enquiry: 2958 6443
Email :

Cancellation: The seminar will be cancelled if Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above, Red or Black  Rainstorm Warning is issued within 2 hours of the scheduled start time

 Hong Kong College of Community Medicine 2 CME
 Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine 2 CME
 Hong Kong College of Paediatricians 2 CME (Cat A)
 MCHK CME Programme 2 CME
CPD: 1 point
CNE: 2 point

[Download pdf] Poster for Seminar
[Download doc] Registration form

October 7, 2009

Seminar on Substance Abuse in School Adolescents

Seminar on Substance Abuse in School Adolescents co-organised by
Hong Kong Society for Adolescent Health and
Department of Paediatrics, Queen Elizabeth Hospital
cum 4th Annual General Meeting of HKSAH

Anti-drug Programs in US Schools
 – Methods of Identification, Management & Controversies

Professor Donald Greydanus,
 Professor of Pediatrics & Human Development,
 Michigan State University College of Human Medicine,
 Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA

Preventive Education on Adolescent Substance Abuse
 - Some Personal Reflections

Professor Daniel TL Shek,
 Chair Professor, Department of Applied Social Sciences,
 Hong Kong Polytechnic University &
 Chairman, Action Committee Against Narcotics, Hong Kong SAR

Date: 21.10.2009 (Wednesday)
 5:30 – 6:00 PM Light refreshment
 6:00 – 6:30 PM AGM of HKSAH
 6:30 – 8:30 PM Seminar on substance abuse in school adolescents
 Lecture Theatre, Ground Floor,
 Block M, Queen Elizabeth Hospital, 30 Gascoigne Road, Kowloon

Fee: Free for all

Enrollment: Members of HKSAH and HKCPaed are given priority.
 Others are welcome. Please register with fax or email.
 First come, first served.

Fax: 2958 6625
Phone enquiry: 2958 6443
Email :
Cancellation: The seminar will be cancelled if Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above, Red or Black  Rainstorm Warning is issued within 2 hours of the scheduled start time

 Hong Kong College of Community Medicine 2 CME
 Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine 2 CME
 Hong Kong College of Paediatricians 2 CME (Cat A)
 MCHK CME Programme 2 CME
CPD: 1 point
CNE: 2 point
[Download pdf] Poster for Seminar on Substance Abuse in School Adolescents
[Download doc] Registration form

August 14, 2009

Extending Deadline of Education Fund to IAAH to 17 Aug 2009

Dear members,

As you all know, to facilitate the development of training and continuing education on adolescent health among professionals is one of our goals. I am glad to announce the establishment of an Overseas Education Fund for members of Hong Kong Society for Adolescent Health.

We are offering sponsorships of HKD 2,000 to each of four members for the coming World Congress of the International Association for Adolescent Health (IAAH). Please fill in the application form attached and fax to 29256625 or email back to us if you are interested.

Suitable applicants will be selected at the Council Meeting based on a set of guidelines. Successful applicants will be notified before the conference. The deadline has been extended to 17 Aug 2009.

The 9th World Congress of the International Association for Adolescent Health (IAAH)Date: 28 - 30 October 2009 Place: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Global Perspectives On Adolescent Sexual Health: Private Lives, Public Issues

Congress website:
Early bird registration: 31 July 2009
You can visit their official website for more information:

Download HKSAH application for sponsorship.
Sponsor for The 9th World Congress of the International Association for Adolescent Health (IAAH)

July 25, 2009

Sponsor for The 9th World Congress of the International Association for Adolescent Health (IAAH)

Dear members,

As you all know, to facilitate the development of training and continuing education on adolescent health among professionals is one of our goals. We are glad to announce the establishment of an Overseas Education Fund for members of Hong Kong Society for Adolescent Health.

We are offering sponsorships of HKD 2,000 to each of four members for the coming World Congress of the International Association for Adolescent Health (IAAH).

Please fill in the application form attached and fax to 29256625 or email back to us if you are interested. Suitable applicants will be selected at the Council Meeting based on a set of guidelines. Successful applicants will be notified before the conference.

The 9th World Congress of the International Association for Adolescent Health (IAAH)
Date: 28 - 30 October 2009
Place: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Global Perspectives On Adolescent Sexual Health: Private Lives, Public Issues

Download HKSAH application for sponsorship.

Congress website:
Early bird registration: 31 July 2009
You can visit their official website for more information:

June 9, 2009

Seminar on Adolescent Substance Abuse 青少年濫用藥物研討會

Hong Kong Society for Adolescent Health 香港青少年健康學會
Hong Kong Paediatric Nurses Association 香港兒科護士學會

Date: 30th May 2009 (Sat)

Web album 2009-05-30

Presentation materials
Dr. TSE Man Li,
Consultant , HKPIC
Toxicity of Commonly Abused Psychotropic Substances in HK
[Download pdf]

Mr. Vincent LAM,
Assistant Centre-in-charge, Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service - Evergreen Lutheran Centre
Trend and Subculture of Substance Abuse in HK
[Download pdf]

Dr. FUNG Wai Ching,
Private Paediatrician
Ms. Magdalene POON,
Occupational Therapist, KCH
Counselling Substance Use Youngsters with Hand and Cognitive Assessments

Part 1 presentation (FUNG) [Download pdf]

Part 2 presentation (POON) [Download pdf]

April 30, 2009

Seminar on Adolescent Substance Abuse 青少年濫用藥物研討會

Hong Kong Society for Adolescent Health 香港青少年健康學會
Hong Kong Paediatric Nurses Association 香港兒科護士學會

30th May 2009 (Sat)

2:00 – 2:30 p.m. Registration & Refreshment
2:30 – 4:30 p.m. Seminar

Lecture Theatre, 7/F, Block H, Princess Margaret Hospital, Kwai Chung

Target audience:
All professionals in youth work including doctors, nurses, social workers, clinical psychologists, allied health workers and community partners

Members free of charge (HKSAH & HKPNA membership application available on-site)Non-members are welcome to sponsor the Seminar with HK$100(The proceeds will contribute to HKSAH Education Fund and HKPNA.)

Speakers & Topics:
Dr. TSE Man Li,

Consultant , HKPIC
Toxicity of Commonly Abused Psychotropic Substances in HK

Mr. Vincent LAM,
Assistant Centre-in-charge, Hong Kong Lutheran Social Service - Evergreen Lutheran Centre
Trend and Subculture of Substance Abuse in HK
‧ with experience sharing by an ex-abuser

Dr. FUNG Wai Ching,
Private Paediatrician and
Ms. Magdalene POON,
Occupational Therapist, KCH
Counselling Substance Use Youngsters with Hand and Cognitive Assessments
‧ with case sharing by social workers of ELCHK in the assessment programme

Enrollment: Fax or email
Dowload poster pdf, registration form (word)

Fax: 2958 6625
Phone enquiry: 2958 6443

Should there be typhoon number eight or above, rain-storm red or black signal hoisted, the seminar will be cancelled.
CNE for nurse: 2 pointsCME and CPE for doctor, physiotherapist and occupational therapist – application in progress.

January 1, 2009

HKSAH Council for the term 2008-10

Dr Winnie WY Tse (謝詠儀)

Dr Patrick CH Cheung (張志雄)

Dr Pauline PY Mak (麥佩儀)

Dr Lilian HL Wong (王曉莉)

Council Members
Mr Charles KH Chan (陳健雄)
Dr CP Tang (鄧振鵬)
Dr Anita MC Tsang (曾雯清)
Ms Magdalene YC Poon (潘恩賜)

Co-opted Members
Ms HY Chan (陳巧瑜)
Dr LP Lee (李麗萍)
Dr Tony Lau (劉家輝)
Ms Cecilia YS Leung (梁婉珊)