Department of Paediatrics, QEH
15th Anniversary of Adolescent Medical Centre
Commissioned Training – Sports Medicine and Child/Adolescent Behavioural Paediatrics
Visiting Professor:
Prof Donald Greydanus,
Professor of Pediatrics and Human Development,
Michigan State University, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA
Co-organized workshop with HKSAH:
Assessment and Management of Repeated Self-harm in Adolescents
Date: 2010-9-14 (Tuesday)
Time: 18:30 - 19:30
(18:00 - 18:30, registration and drink)
HKCPaed CME points: 1
HKCPsy List B PP-OP CME points: 1
CNE points: 1
Training programmes are open to all professionals interested. Enrollment for the evening lecture is preferred
Fax: 2958 6625
Phone enquiry: 2958 6443
Cancellation: The event will be cancelled if Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above, Red or Black Rainstorm Warning is issued within 2 hours of the scheduled start time
Full list of programme: 2010-9-14 ~ 2010-9-17 [download]
Poster and Enrollment form: [download word doc] [download pdf]