Overview of Child atality in Hong Kong 香港兒童死亡個案概況
Dr. LAU Ka-fai Tony 劉家輝醫生
Specialist in Paediatrics, 兒科專科醫生[Download] Presentation (1) Overview of Child Fatality in Hong Kong
The Lack of Lacking: When Hopelessness
Meets Positive Thinking 當希望匱乏遇上正向思維
Dr. HIU Po-keung. 許寶強博士
Founding member of Mobile Co-learning 「流動共學」發起人 [Download] Presentation (2) The Lack of Lack: When Hopelessness Meets Positive Thinking
What helping professions do when seeing at
risk cases? 當我們面對個案,我們可以做什麼?
Dr. LIU Kwong-sun 廖廣申醫生
Specialist in Psychiatrist, 精神科專科醫生
Honorary Clinical Associate Professor at Li
Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine,
The University of Hong Kong, Associate
Director of the Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention