October 6, 2006

Hong Kong Soociety for Adolscent Health

A group of dedicated adolescent health professionals founded the Hong Kong Society for Adolescent Health (HKSAH) in October, 2006. This is a multidisciplinary society comprising doctors, nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, clinical psychologists and other youth workers. The Society is committed to improving the physical and psychological health and well-being of adolescents and to enabling adolescents to develop and realize their potential. Its goals are multi-fold, encompassing professional training, promoting awareness of, advocating for and researching into adolescent health needs and service provisions. Providing education and support to adolescent health workers and the public is also an important arm of the Society’s goals.

All professionals working with adolescents, teachers, parents and adolescents are welcome to join the Society as members to collaboratively accomplish its mission.

「香港青少年健康學會」是由一群熱衷於青少年健康的專業人士在二零零六年十月成立的跨專業團體,成員包括醫生、護士、社工、職業治療師、物理治療師、心理學家及其他青少年工作者。藉著此會的成立,我們希望能促進青少年的身心健康,也讓他們認識自己的潛能並加以發揮。本會有多項目標,包括: 舉辦專業培訓、提高各界人士對青少年健康的關注、倡導青少年所需服務的發展以及進行學術研究。此外,為青少年工作者及市民提供教育和支援亦是本會工作不可或缺的一環。


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