November 5, 2007

Symposium on Positive Youth Development and Prevention Programs in Adolescence

Symposium on Positive Youth Development and Prevention Programs in Adolescence: International and Chinese Experiences

2nd November, 2007
9:00am – 5:00pm

The members of our council have taken part in the captioned symposium. President Winnie Tse and Vice-president Patrick Cheung have contributed papers to the programme.

Members of the Council took a photo with Professor Cataleno (4th from left) and Mr. Joseph Lee (5th from left) of the Commission on Youth.

Members of the Council accompanied Professor Cataleno from USA for a visit to Community C & Y Integrated Service Centre.
From Left: Dr. Winnie Tse, Dr. Patrick Cheung, Professor Cataleno, Dr. Lilian Wong, Dr. CP Tang, Mr. Charles Chan.

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