February 20, 2013

HKSAH Members' Social Function 2013


日期: 2013年3月23日(星期六)
集合時間: 下午二時正
集合地點: 九龍運動場道,太子地鐵站 A出口
活動地點: 新界馬灣芳園路太陽館及馬灣公園
費用: 原價每位 $455

本會會員及家屬優惠  $255

名額: 只限60人,報名先到先得

請在本會網頁 (http://hksah.blogspot.com )下載報名表,填妥後郵寄回本會,查詢電郵 info.hksah@gmail.com。

[Download] Poster of Members' Social Function 2013
[Download] Registration Form

(Deadline for Registration: 19 March 2013)

Solar Tower: Science Daycamp for Family

Date: 23 March 2013 (Saturday)
Gathering Time:  2:00 PM
Gathering Place: MTR Exit A of Prince Edward Station,
Playing Field Road, Prince Edward, Kowloon
Returning from Ma Wan 9:00 PM; reaching Kowloon by 9:30 PM
Venue: Solar Tower & Ma Wan Park, Park Island, NT
(No private cars are permitted in Park Island,
The Society arranges coach service for the group)
Fees: Original Price: $455

 Special Offer for Members and Family Members  $255

(Including Buffet dinner and docent activities, free for age under 3)
Quota: 60 persons (first come first served)

Enrollment and Enquiry:
Please download and fill registration form from our web site (http://hksah.blogspot.com ), post back with cheque. Enquiry email: info.hksah@gmail.com.

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