November 15, 2013

Adolescent Transition Care Assessment Tool, Public Education Series No. 12 (2013)

Transition care is a purposeful, planned process that addresses the medical, psychosocial and educational or vocational needs of adolescents and young adults with chronic physical and medical conditions as they move from child-centred to adult-oriented health-care systems.

In Hong Kong, most adolescents with chronic illnesses are managed in the public health-care system. As these patients develop and mature, they would need to move on to adult services. Literature has highlighted the different adverse health outcomes in patients whose care in transition had been poorly managed.

In the past few years, there has been a call for the development of a better transition care service in Hong Kong. Worldwide, various transition models have been proposed but evaluation of model effectiveness has been difficult because of the diverse clinical conditions and many other factors.

Paediatric and adult physicians have identified the following in the development of transition care locally - disease complexity, patient risk stratification, availability of resources, professional expertise and training, volume of patients, regionalization of medical services, and importantly the transition care policy. Progress in the development of transition care has been made.

This Adolescent Transition Care Assessment Tool was developed by HKSAH to assist health professionals in providing a better transition care. Its content is self explanatory. The copy is provided free. You are most welcome to download for your care of adolescents and their families.

Disclaimer: This Education Material is for information only. Users will be responsible for making their own assessment of the matters discussed herein which should not replace advices from their health care professionals.
This material is made possible with the assistance from adolescent volunteers. Free download

Date of Publication: 1 December 2013
© Hong Kong Society for Adolescent Health

管教子女方式 馮偉正醫生 Public Education Series No. 11 (2013)


高壓專制式管教(Authoritarian Parenting)

縱容放任式管教(Permissive Parenting)

忽略抽離式管教 (Uninvolved Parenting
這是一種對子女低要求、少關顧和欠溝通的管教方式。父母一般仍供給子女日常基本所需,但對子女情感和發展成長的需要則採取抽離、置若罔聞的態度。 在這種管教方式下成長的子女,最常出現不快樂情緒、自我形像低落、自制能力欠佳、自信和能力感薄弱。

恩威並施式管教 (Authoritative Parenting)

Disclaimer: This Education Material is for information only. Users will be responsible for making their own assessment of the matters discussed herein which should not replace advices from their health care professionals.

This material is made possible with the assistance from adolescent volunteers. Free download

November 12, 2013

Pre-participation Evaluation in Young Athletes: Avoiding Sudden Cardiac Death [Event news of other professional societies]

[Event news of other professional societies]: We are glad to share with you events and educational activities on adolescent health organized by other professional societies.

Pre-participation Evaluation in Young Athletes: Avoiding Sudden Cardiac Death

Date: 14 November 2013
Venue: Jade Ballroom, Eaton Smart Hotel Hong Kong, 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon

6:00pm Annual General Meeting
6:30pm Reception and Registration
7:00pm Scientific Symposium
8:00pm Q & A
8:30pm Chinese Dinner

Dr. Gary MAK
President, Hong Kong Association of Sports Medicine and Sports Science Director, Pro-Cardio Heart Disease & Stroke Prevention Centre

Hon. Treasurer, Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Cardiology Consultant Paediatrician, Department of Paediatrics,
Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital

Dr. Lance FONG
Congenital Cardiologist Consultant, Mercy and Southern Health,
Melbourne, Australia

Consultant, Department of Paediatric Cardiology,
Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong

Download Poster:

November 11, 2013

考試小貼士 梁婉珊職業治療師 Public Education Series No. 10 (2013)


何為考試壓力? 每當測試、考試來臨,學生便會膽心自己沒有足夠時間溫習及準備考試。在考試時,他們害怕不懂得答題,又或者未能在測驗時限內把問題卷作答完畢。 他們害怕考試低分,甚至不合格而感到憂慮,這種種就形成了考試壓力。

考試壓力從何來考試壓力往往從多方面形成,例如學生自己或家長的期望;學生往往不知不覺對自己產生期望,希望自己能考獲較佳成績,又或者學生自己與其他同學互相比較, 覺得自己技不如人,便産生壓力。而家長亦常常期望自己子女學有所成,抱着望子成龍,望女成鳳的心態,在家長的過份壓迫下,子女便感到壓力了。



  1. 定下溫習時間表,培養每天温習及備課的習慣  每天把課堂上所教的知識、課本反思及溫習一次,把已學的知識加深印象。與此同時,學生又可自學,預先備課,把將要教的課本閱讀一次,以助老師教授時,更易吸收新知識,那便會事半功倍了。
  2. 培養做課外練習或過往試卷的習慣  為把所學的知識融會貫通,學生可多做課外練習或過往的試題,讓自已從不同角度或方面去思考題目,練習答題技巧,掌握作答的重點。
  3. 適當的休息及運動  長期處於緊張及壓力大的環境下,每個人都易於疲倦, 甚至透不過氣來, 因此適當的休息,如: 溫習每40分鐘,便可做一些舒展運動或休息5-10分鐘,可幫助舒緩緊張的情緒,保持清醒的頭腦,及加強專注力,継續幹下去。
  4. 溫習時記下重點  寫下或以圖像記下要點,以助思考,分析,領悟,及組織能力,鞏固記憶。
  5. 早睡早起  充足的睡眠可以保持頭腦清醒及反應敏捷,因此,考試前一晚應有足夠休息,切忌溫習達旦,否則,考試當日便感疲累,反應遲鈍,沒有精神及難以集中去應付考試。


  1. 要吃有營養的早餐  豐富而有營養的早餐可使頭腦清醒,思考及反應快,應付考試便最理想了。
  2. 放鬆心情,盡我所能  考試時應放鬆心情,不宜太緊張,把試卷當作平時做課外練習一樣便可。同時學生可先做較易或懂得作答的題目,然後做那些較難的試題,盡量把考試時間分配好,把整份試卷作答完畢。


Disclaimer: This Education Material is for information only. Users will be responsible for making their own assessment of the matters discussed herein which should not replace advices from their health care professionals.
This material is made possible with the assistance from adolescent volunteers. Free download

November 2, 2013

Event news of other professional societies

“Event news of other professional societies” – We are glad to share with you events and educational activities on adolescent health organized by other professional societies.

(1) Certificate Course on Practical Skills for Child and Adolescent Behavioral Issues 2013; and
(2) Multidisciplinary Symposium on Adolescent Health.

November 1, 2013

精神科醫生的角色 鄧振鵬醫生 Public Education Series No. 9 (2013)




Disclaimer: This Education Material is for information only. Users will be responsible for making their own assessment of the matters discussed herein which should not replace advices from their health care professionals.  
This material is made possible with the assistance from adolescent volunteers. Free download