November 4, 2014

November 12 (Wed): Special Seminar offered by Dr. Tomas J Silber

Weight loss, anorexia nervosa, morbidity  and mortality: A case based presentation

Members of HKSAH, health practitioners and other youth workers are invited to join a special seminar on weight loss, anorexia nervosa, morbidity and motality.

In this seminar, Dr Silber will be presenting REAL CASES of patients sent to him with a diagnosis of an eating disorder WHO DID NOT HAVE AN EATING DISORDER… except some did. We will form 2 teams from the audience present and spend a couple of hours in a wild competition searching for answers and clinical pearls. This will be both fun and

Enrolment ( Tel: 2958 5888; Fax: 2958 6719; Email: )
Open to all doctors, nurses, health care professionals and social workers.
Members of HKSAH will be given priority.
Send email to or fax to 2958 6719, giving your Name, Profession, Department and Institution, and Your preferred contact email address.

The AGM cum seminar will be cancelled if Typhoon signal No. 8 or above, Red or Black rainstorm is issued 2 hours before program.
CME, CNE, CPD pending

[Download PDF Poster]

October 8, 2014

October 4: 124 Guests joint SpLD Seminar [Presentation Download]

Seminar: Youth with Specific Learning Disabilities (SpLD): Challenges and Opportunities  講座:讀寫障礙面面觀

SpLD: Assessment and Diagnosis [Download pdf]
Dr Raymond Chan, Clinical Psychologist

陳穩誠博士 (資深臨床心理學家)

Helping SpLD youth: role of occupational therapist [Download pdf]
Ms Cecelia Leung, Occupational Therapist I, QEH

梁婉珊女士 (伊利沙伯醫院一級職業治療師)

Supporting SpLD youth in transiting to secondary and post-secondary education [Download pdf]
Mrs Gladys Hung, Vice-Chairman, HKASLD

孔陳錦霞女士 (香港特殊學習障礙協會副主席)

Thank you for taking part in the Seminar.  Please fill in the online questionnaires to provide feedback. 感謝你出席及參與此研討會,請填寫網上問卷提供你的寶貴意見。

Elected Council members of HKSAH year 2014~2016.

Election Results of the AGM 2014

President:  Anita TSANG
Vice President: Tony LAU
Secretary:  Cecilia LEUNG
Treasurer:  LAU Sau Lai

Council members: 
Charles CHAN
TANG Chun Pan
Patrick CHEUNG
Jennifer LEE

Coopt members: 
Magdalene POON
Pauline MAK
Lilian WONG
Katrine CHAU
LEE Lai Ping

September 10, 2014

9th Annual General Meeting cum Seminar (週年大會暨講座)

Date : 4 October 2014(Saturday)
Venue: Lecture Theatre, Block H, 7/F, Princess Margaret Hospital, Kowloon
地點:九龍瑪嘉烈醫院 H7 講課室

2:00- 2:30pm
  Annual General Meeting 週年大會
  Seminar: Youth with Specific Learning Disabilities (SpLD):
  Challenges and Opportunities

SpLD: Assessment and diagnosis
Dr Raymond Chan, Clinical psychologist
陳穩誠博士 (資深臨床心理學家)

Helping SpLD youth: role of occupational therapist
Ms Cecelia Leung, Occupational Therapist I, QEH
梁婉珊女士 (伊利沙伯醫院一級職業治療師)

Supporting SpLD youth in transiting to secondary and post-secondary education
Mrs Gladys Hung, Vice-Chairman, HKASLD
孔陳錦霞女士 (香港特殊學習障礙協會副主席)

Open to all. Members of HKSAH given priority.
Send email to giving your Name, Profession, Department and Institution, and Your preferred contact email address.

Tel: 2958 5888
Fax: 2958 6719

PDF Poster 

The AGM cum seminar will be cancelled if Typhoon signal No. 8 or above, Red or Black rainstorm is issued 2 hours before program.

March 4, 2014

Resilience in Action: Addressing Adolescent Risk Behaviors by Building on Their Strengths

[Event news of other professional societies] We are glad to share with you events and educational activities on adolescent health organized by other professional societies.

Professional Seminar on Adolescent Health organized by Hong Kong Paediatric Society

Resilience in Action: Addressing Adolescent Risk Behaviors by Building on Their Strengths

Date:    13th Apr 2014 (Sunday)
Time:    2:00 pm – 5:10pm
Venue:  Multi-function Room, G/F, D Block, 

Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Kowloon

Prof. Kenneth R. GINSBURG, MD, MSEd
Professor of Pediatrics
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and
The Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania

Dr. Daniel CHIU
President, The Hong Kong Paediatric Society

Registration: HKPS Secretariat at Tel: 25783833, Fax: 25783929
All Child Health Professionals are Most Welcome. Free Registration!
[Download Poster]
Paediatrics CME: Cat A 2 points. CE for clinical psychologists, other CME and CNE are available.

PPT Download: Greydanus, 2014, Adolescent Internet Addiction

Hong Kong Society for Adolescent Health
Co-organised with Department of Paediatrics, Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Adolescent Internet Addiction: The Curse of Dionysus in the 21st Century -- A Journey of Inquiry

Speaker: Professor Donald E Greydanus
Western Michigan University, Michigan, USA

[Download PDF] Adolescent Internet Addiction: The Curse of Dionysus in the 21st Century -- A Journey of Inquiry

January 27, 2014

Community Seminar: Adolescent Internet Addiction: The Curse of Dionysus in the 21st Century -- A Journey of Inquiry

Hong Kong Society for Adolescent Health
Co-organised with Department of Paediatrics, Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Adolescent Internet Addiction: The Curse of Dionysus in the 21st Century -- A Journey of Inquiry

Date: 21 February 2014 (Friday)

18:15 Refreshment
18:30-19:30 Seminar
1930-19:45 Q&A

QEH DG Multifunction Room,
Queen Elizabeth Hospital,
30 Gascoigne Road, Kowloon

Speaker: Professor Donald E Greydanus
Western Michigan University, Michigan, USA

Enrollment: Open to all. Members of HKSAH are given priority.
CME/CPD: pending

Cancellation: The seminar will be cancelled if Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above, Red or Black Rainstorm Warning is issued within 2 hours of the scheduled start time.

[Download Poster and Registration PDF]
[Download Word Document for Registration]