October 8, 2014

October 4: 124 Guests joint SpLD Seminar [Presentation Download]

Seminar: Youth with Specific Learning Disabilities (SpLD): Challenges and Opportunities  講座:讀寫障礙面面觀

SpLD: Assessment and Diagnosis [Download pdf]
Dr Raymond Chan, Clinical Psychologist

陳穩誠博士 (資深臨床心理學家)

Helping SpLD youth: role of occupational therapist [Download pdf]
Ms Cecelia Leung, Occupational Therapist I, QEH

梁婉珊女士 (伊利沙伯醫院一級職業治療師)

Supporting SpLD youth in transiting to secondary and post-secondary education [Download pdf]
Mrs Gladys Hung, Vice-Chairman, HKASLD

孔陳錦霞女士 (香港特殊學習障礙協會副主席)

Thank you for taking part in the Seminar.  Please fill in the online questionnaires to provide feedback. 感謝你出席及參與此研討會,請填寫網上問卷提供你的寶貴意見。

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